Join PhACT!

We encourage anyone who supports our aims to join us, especially if you are in the greater Philadelphia area.

The annual membership of $25 supports our activities, including speakers, community outreach, and social gatherings.

The Philadelphia Association for Critical Thinking is a 501(c)3 non-profit tax-exempt organization as defined by the Internal Revenue Service. Retroactive to May 2010, all dues and contributions made directly to PhACT can be considered as tax-deductible to the extent of the law. (Please consult the IRS or a tax adviser for any specific questions about tax deductions.) Written acknowledgements will now be provided for dues and donations.

Membership Term

If you prefer, you may print out a Membership Form and mail it to us with payment.

Note: Our meetings are open to the public - you do not need to join to attend.

Copyright © 2009-2024, Philadelphia Association for Critical Thinking (PhACT). All rights reserved.